I'm in love with February and all the colors that go with it! In Minnesota it is cold, that might even be an understatement. Inside recess day after day! Those poor kids. That is why I try so hard to create a learning environment that is full of warmth and colors. I'm really into simple sometimes. I spend so much time focusing on data and how to get kids moving that I don’t always have the time to prep great art projects. That is why I love this one. It's beautiful, but takes no time at all to prep. Did I mention it’s also FUN! Yes, that’s right, the students are engaged the entire time and are having fun while learning. Plus, in less than 30 minutes your room looks beautiful! I should also mention I had an amazing mom helping...that can make or break you sometimes when you're mixing paint and cups of water!
Adjectives have been the topic of discussion this quarter. Friendships and words that describe, I can’t think of a better way to truly engage them. I loved hearing giggles, yes real giggles, as they thought of words that described their friends. When they shared their master pieces at the end there wasn’t a lack of smiles that is for sure.
I can’t think of a better way to share my love for this month than giving out this freebie. If you want to have a simple fun art project click on the link below.
After having so much fun decorating our room, I knew I needed to get down to the nitty gritty of things. I wanted to create a Valentine Mini Unit that focused on the skills my students needed. First, writing…...focusing on creating excellent writing hasn’t been a key priority during our Daily 5 time. I wanted something that they could connect to. I think I hit it on the spot. I made my own children try it out. One being 6 (boy) and another 8 (girl) I made them write a Wild About You Top 10 List and also a You’re the Doggone Best letter to each other. I wasn’t sure it would be what I was hoping for, but I sure have raised some great kids. "You’re a good dancer and your are really sweit" (sweet)! Not to many 6 year olds say that about their sister. I am so excited to see what my students write!
This past quarter we were using cubes and paper clips to measure, but my students were having difficulty with marking off. I thought I needed to somehow incorporate that skill into my stations. I found just the perfect center. MEASURING love MONSTERS! Oh, I can hardly wait to see their excitement.
I also wanted something that would help with syllabication and Clover since we have been really focusing on 2 Syllable words and breaking them apart. I want the students to be engaged in activities so much that they don’t even realize how much they are actually learning. I think I have created the perfect week of activities to celebrate Friendship! Check out this package to help your students have as much fun as we will be having real soon!

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